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check out some examples of how not to do solar
The Unsafe Rat's Nest
We were called in to fix this little treat, done by a "professional". Features included a rat's nest of wiring, a lack of safety features (like breakers), uncovered wiring, a severely over-volted charge controller, and more. Super-size fries with that?
To see the fixed system, go to our Systems page.

how not to do solar

how not to do solar

how not to do solar

how not to do solar
Only a Shadow of What it Could Be
This huge array had so much potential...but see that shadowing on the bottom of the back row? Renders the entire huge long row of panels useless! Saw this in my travels and just had to snap a picture.

Shadowed solar array

Shadowed solar array

Shadowed solar array
we will keep adding to this page as we come across more fun
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